You can’t scare us.
You can only strengthen us.
The more you throw at us, the tougher we get.

Why We’re Fighting

Gas prices are going up. Construction costs are going up. Food, healthcare, kid’s daycare, kid’s school, everything is going up.

Except OUR money.

Healthcare at Shure-Line is unaffordable.

No per diem means going to work for out-of-state projects costs US money.

They’re stealing time away from OUR families when WE don’t get to be home with them.

We have no real retirement, no protection, and no real future.

We change that TODAY ✊

Shure-Line is Not a Family

Without a healthy retirement, we are destined to be burdens to our families.

We want to be able to take our kids to the doctors without dreading the bill.

We’re tired of begging and going years without raises.

Is that what you want for your family?

This is personal to us.

Shure-Line cares more about profits than us.

This is our shot to change our lives for the better.

The only family we have is our own, and they deserve a contract just as much as we do.

We’re not running. We’re not hiding.

Meet the Ironworkers of Shure-Line standing up to form a union.

“I'm union all the way. Shure-Line sends me out for a 2.5-hour drive each way for a job, that's 5 hours a day I'm not getting paid. That's wear and tear on my car. Tolls. I'm tired of the company acting like they're just scraping by.”

– Kyle Haines 

“I’m FINALLY ready for me and my family to be able to live comfortably. To be happy and no longer be a miserable penny pincher! I want to see some of the millions they make off me and my boys putting in the work and risking our lives every day.”
-Mike Bryan

Shure-Line #Brotherhood

We’re fighting for the guy next to us.
We’re fighting for a voice.
We deserve a contract.
We are the union.

“We’re making these companies millions of dollars and they’re paying us pennies. We need hazard pay. Shure-Line is sending us to jobs nobody else would touch. I want to have a say. I want to have a say in my pay. A say in everything. We can be a union.”
-Richard Foraker


“This is for a better life for my family and also to have job security.”
-Colin Murphy


“I’m doing this for a better future for myself and for my family. I’m tired of not having a say!”

– Devon Loughney 

“This is for my future, my son’s future and my entire family. I’m tired of being the yes man and getting little to no reward for it, with no sign of progression in my career.”
-Ryan Block


“I want a better life and to stop being controlled by upper management!”
-Scott Rowlands Jr.


“I cannot be any prouder of you men. I feel honored to have worked with every single one of you! Do not feel intimidated by anyone. You guys deserve the best! Watching you guys stand up for yourselves is the proudest I’ve been. You’re an amazing group of men.” 
-Scott Rowlands Sr.

Without us, nothing changes.
The time is now.
Join the fight to change and form a union at Shure-Line today ✊

I hereby authorize the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers (AFL-CIO) (the “Union”) to represent me for the purpose of collective bargaining in matters of wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment with each of the above-named employers. This authorization is non-expiring, binding and valid until such time as I revoke it in writing. By signing this Authorization, I understand that I am requesting that the Union represent me and that this card may used to obtain voluntary recognition from my employer without an election and/or to petition for an election with the National Labor Relations Board.

Still have questions?

Click below to send an email message to our team and a team lead will be in touch ASAP.